May 24, 2006

On Movies

Since I changed my Netflix to 4-at-a-time, I've been watching TOO many movies!

The Producers, Bride and Prejudice, The Day of the Dead, Last Holiday, MST3K: Girl in Gold Boots, and still watching MST3K: Phantom Planet.

So let's review!

The Producers was great. While I hate watching musicals on TV, this one was pretty good. They can't really seem to hold my attention, which means I fast forward through really uninteresting songs. I prefer them on stage. I pay attention to them better on stage and can tolerate the singing. Although, when a particularly great song is playing it is spectacular!

Anyway, the movie was beautiful, it looked like a stage, was lit like one, built and so on and so forth. All I wished was that it was a stage and I was in the house.

Bride and Prejudice was good. Aishwarya Rai, yes I can remember and spell her name but don't ask me to say it correctly, was her usual good self BUT really I didn't like her character. I haven't seen the real Pride and Prejudice, but will very soon. She was so annoying. Poor William Darcy was getting words put into his bumbling mouth by this bitch. Yeah she was so smart and headstrong, huh? Last I heard smart people tend to discuss things and really not sit on their fucking high horses much huh? Give the white man a chance to fucking talk. Of course Darcy seemed like a spineless sap that I can't believe he was an American. Actually, I don't know even know why I said that. Like all Americans are like that! Anyway, that is the story and characters. It has nothing to do with the movie as a Bollywood meets Hollywood film. So you get the dancing, the singing, the colors, the no kissing, the girl, and the interesting characters all in one, in English.

I was delighted to see Naveen Andrews (from Lost) in it and Alexis Bledel popped in for a few minutes for no reason at all. Anybody could have done her part and it didn't require her to exercise ANY acting muscles whatsoever. So that was joyless. Um see it if you want a nice clean English Hindi flick. But I can recommend others.

Last Holiday with Queen Latifah. She should really stop calling herself that. It's so old school! Anyway, DANA, ok Queen Latifah, is kind of a small screen favorite of mine. She is a funny lady that should come out of the closet already, but that is beside the point. So this movie is lighthearted and fun. The whole thing with the story is little strange I think. The owner of the store is vacationing at the same place she does, what are the damn chances! Alicia Witt is in it! Gerard Depardieu, LL Cool J, AND that weird guy who went nuts and killed his boss, a couple of employees, then himself in an episode of Six Feet Under was in it as well. I hate seeing him, he has been burned into my gray matter forever!! see it if you are interested but I don't think I would buy it or pay too much to rent it.

The Day of the Dead was a bit crappy and boring. Zombies were good and they were freaky with their ability to remember how to do things. So zombies good movie not so good. I think I like a bit more action and fun in my zombie movies.

MST3K: Girl in Gold Boots was a fucking awful movie. Whoever thought it was a good idea should be shot! Anyway, I wasn't getting too many laughs out of it, it was funny enough, sometimes these kinds of movies require you to have partner. Oh my god, the way they danced!!! Now I know the 60's had that whole particular way of dancing but really I have seen other movies where they danced like that and this ain't no dancing!!! It was awful and I don't even think you can call it dancing. I MEAN AWFUL!!! I CANNOT PUT IT INTO WORDS TO EXPLAIN HOW AWFUL THIS DANCING WAS. There was a guy named Critter!!! Don't you love 60's nicknames. And Joanie, she was so oily and shiny. She needed her face washed and powdered. I understand what they were going for but it doesn't translate to film folks. So I appreciate the effort and she was such a bad actress. She can yell though. So I don't know if I can recommend it, but watch it with someone perhaps.

MST3K: Phantom Planet is fabulous so far. I have gotten half way through and had to go to bed. But yes very funny. Yes, I've been laughing!!! It's just so "beautiful".

May 12, 2006

Pants-off Dance-Off

Yes the show on Fuse, if you get this channel watch it! Or go to the website where you can see their peters and ho ha's all you want.

These people from the general public elect themselves to dance on the show and if they get the most votes they get to come on the next night and dance some more for MONEY!


Did I mention I am drunk?

*Edit: I watched one dancer and I didn't see any peters or ho ha's! Damnit!

May 11, 2006


I adore zombie movies and I am finally going to watch the original Dawn of the Dead, I love the remake! I have seen a part of the original and it just seemed kind of boring but I will give it a try. Why do I love zombies?!?!

Hide and Creep is on SciFi now and I didn't get to see the beginning but it is a low budget film, that is well humorous and kind of cheesy. Oh, with actors that are not really actors. Anyway, you can't help but try to make a good zombie flick, they can be tricky, especially if you don't have a budget for MAKEUP!

Oh look what I found! Knitted characters from the original Dawn of the Dead. My love of zombies and knitting together. This is exciting as The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy's scene of them turning into knitted characters! Arthur throwing up variegated yarn! It was fabulous! I need to learn how to make a Marvin.

May 7, 2006


I feel like posting something but then I don't want to do it. The problem I am really having is that I want to write something with breadth to it and the other part of me doesn't want to. I just need to clear the air and start fresh.

I have been watching the Ghost Hunters Marathon all day long. Geez, I am lazy today.

On movies:

I've watched The 40 Year-Old Virgin, Shopgirl, andThe Family Stone this week.

I loved Shopgirl and The Family Stone! Really I could throttle Sarah Jessica Parker's character in The Family Stone, so uptight. It was a family christmas movie. I enjoy sentimental pap! I love holiday movies! So much so that even Surviving Christmas with the mostly horrible Ben Affleck is a favorite on my list.

Shopgirl was perfect. I see no flaws! Um...okay it wasn't perfect. The movie was much better than the book. I do have this problem where I will read a book and it was good and enjoyable but I was just not "into it." Days later I'll think about it and work out whatever it is I need to work out and I will find the better book in the book. I just need to discuss these books or at least think about them when I remain void of an honest opinion afterwards.

On everything else:

I've been getting my affairs in order. Seeking out and questioning medical folks for appointments and how much money they want. Making appointments for a couple weeks from now...ick.

I also get to purchase some contacts and eyeglasses, that work! I guess that will be next week.

On May 23rd, I get to begin watching Brooke all summer long. Logan gets out of school June 9th, and I get to watch him as well. Aren't you jealous? I will make money!!! It will only be a couple hundred bucks but I don't have any at at all. Brooke will get a summer with NO school before kindergarten starts and my brother gets a break from daycare fees. I also will be able to get a car to use. It will be the VW Beetle but that is okay. I am sure I can wrangle the keys out of my Dad's fingers. I want to take the kids on field trips to parks, libraries, etc.

The old road in Virginia, Hwy 17, was closed when they built the four lane road. It ran right along the Intercoastal Waterway canal, in the middle of the Dismal Swamp and was quite dangerous, eg., no room to pull off, two lanes, 55 mph limit, ditches. I did love that road, it was so pretty in the spring and summer. Well, anyway, when the road finally comes out on the other side, out of the thick bear infested woods, it was turned into the Dismal Swamp Canal Trail. With hiking, biking and horse riding paths! This was my first visit to the website and it seems the trail is just where the road was. Hmm...I'll have to check it out with LOTS of insect repellent on and maybe some bear spray.

My increasing thirst and strong desire to watch tv means I must leave.