March 4, 2009

Then and Now

There isn't much to write about. I've locked myself in my room so I won't catch the stomach bug going around. Seems to have worked so far. It's made me feel a little uneasy though.

I've been having dreams of a lost friend that I let go. The guilt is manifesting.

I even might let go of another, at least in my heart. I'm still reconciling that. It could be a vacation. Although I feel a little relieved. Mind you I haven't put thought into anything, it's something that is just happening. I am surprised about my feelings though. I imagined it would be more difficult but it seems organic. It scared me a little the other night. I was in bed ready to sleep telling my subconscious to not let me dream of my lost friend again when I thought of the other friend. I imagined a brief conversation saying "I've moved on" and it was okay. So maybe some daytime thinking is required. Not late night, tired from reading vampire fiction thinking. For now I'll go with what's happening naturally. Seems to be working.


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