May 9, 2008

A book review before I've finished it.

I'm reading Christopher Moore's The Stupidest Angel. It's supposed to be this hilarious read. While its humor isn't appealing to me there are a few things that gave me a chuckle. I keep seeing blog post saying it's hilarious. Ugh. I am eagerly awaiting the zombie that appears. There is of course the stupid angel and the former movie star who was a horrible equivalent to Xena that is on, currently off, anti-psychotics. Her "narrator" in her head is funny enough.

Sometimes I don't enjoy books until I have finished them or had a thought about them. This is the only thought. So far this is the funny stuff. Oh wait. The guy that gets killed by his ex-wife is immediately hit on by a former alcoholic pilot who owns a fruit bat and helps her bury the man. Takes her to dinner, has sex with her and I imagine they continue some sort of relationship. I haven't gotten that far. It was amusing.

Another thing I am tired of shit that is supposedly funny not being funny. What some weird shit happens and I'm supposed to laugh? I know it's subjective and I know I can laugh at anything, I do all the time. Hey, I still laugh at farts. I'm not high and mighty with my humor. I guess I am saying we need to find better people who label things as comedic, humorous and especially comedy in our entertainment. End rant.


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